Bigger Barns -- Luke 12:13-21

 In today's lesson, we learn about ... The Parable Of The Rich Man  ---  Luke 12:13-21  NIrV
This week we head to Luke 12:13-21 where we find a parable Jesus told about a rich man who was focused on the wrong thing. As a successful farmer, his land produced a large amount of crops. He decided to build bigger and bigger barns to collect it all. He might have had a lot for himself, but he failed to think about how he could have helped the people around him.

Our Memory Verse This Month Is: ... "Suppose you can be trusted with something very little, then you can also be trusted with something very large"  Luke 16:10a NIrV

Our Bottom Line This Week Is: ...  Share what you have.
Sometimes we are on the receiving end of someone's generosity, but other times we get to show responsibility by sharing and being generous to others. When we realize that God has given us everything we have, we're more likely to share with others. We pray that as kids learn more about the parable of the rich man, they'll discover ways they can be responsible with how they share what they have.

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