
The Pastors & Staff that make everything at The Hill possible.


Jason Evans

Hi, my name is Jason, and I am the Lead Pastor here at Church on The Hill. I want to thank you for popping by our church website and checking us out.

What do you need to know about me as Pastor? I don’t take myself too seriously and laugh at myself a lot. I have a passion for seeing God’s people grow ever closer to Him and live out their God-given potential. I have an insatiable desire to see those that do not know God yet, come to know the lover of their soul…. Jesus.

If you are looking for a church where you are welcome with all your hurts, habits, and hang-ups. You found the right place. Don’t believe me? Check out some of our church services online before your visit.

Jamie Kovich

Children's Pastor

Allison Johnson Kovich

Worship Director

Janette Lopez

Preschool Director

Martha Lambert

Admin Assistant

summer Shaddox

Front Desk Receptionist

Jeninne Hell

Book Keeper

Albert Covarrubias

Ryan Adams

Josh Pack

Youth Intern

