June 30th, 2021

Greetings Church Family,
Last year I preached a sermon entitled “Change Changes Things.” The church I was preaching at was going through similar circumstances as the “The Hill” went through. Covid-19 hit, their Pastor of 19 plus years stepped down, they had to let their Youth Pastor go due to finances, and they were meeting outside. Sound semi-familiar?
I was trying to encourage them that change is hard sometimes but to trust God’s plan. I walked them through the idea that change can be frustrating and challenging but to be patient. I shared that I love to implement change, especially when it comes to reaching more lost people for Jesus. I also shared how much I was not too fond of change that I did not come up with or change that was thrust upon me. Do you feel the same way?
Where are my pews? On a visit to my home church, where I was the Youth Pastor for 13 years, I walked into the newly remodeled prayer chapel next door to my old office. My pews were gone. The pews that I sat on during many funerals and weddings of loved ones. Gone! The pews I sat on when I begged God to do the impossible yet again. I felt like a part of me was ripped away. Then God… reminded me that they were not my pews and that I was not in charge, and He might have plans to utilize that space in a way I could not foresee. God was right as usual.
There will be many things we, as a church, will need to change moving forward. That will help free us up to reach more people for Jesus. I promise, as your Pastor, I will always seek Godly counsel in making these changes. We will not be making changes for the sake of making changes. There will be a purpose behind the changes we implement from here on out.
Ready for change? It is a small one. This “Hillside” newsletter will be our last one. What? Where will we get our church info? Well, a few different places. One is online at our website www.thehillriverside.com. You can also follow us on all our social media platforms, (on Facebook at fb.com/thehillriverside and on Instagram at thehill_riverside). We are adding more to our weekly Sunday morning bulletins, announcements, and regular emails. So you will get up-to-date church info more than ever.
I want to thank you and our church for trusting our church staff and leadership as we continue to move our church forward.
Love serving Him with you all.
Pastor Jason
Last year I preached a sermon entitled “Change Changes Things.” The church I was preaching at was going through similar circumstances as the “The Hill” went through. Covid-19 hit, their Pastor of 19 plus years stepped down, they had to let their Youth Pastor go due to finances, and they were meeting outside. Sound semi-familiar?
I was trying to encourage them that change is hard sometimes but to trust God’s plan. I walked them through the idea that change can be frustrating and challenging but to be patient. I shared that I love to implement change, especially when it comes to reaching more lost people for Jesus. I also shared how much I was not too fond of change that I did not come up with or change that was thrust upon me. Do you feel the same way?
Where are my pews? On a visit to my home church, where I was the Youth Pastor for 13 years, I walked into the newly remodeled prayer chapel next door to my old office. My pews were gone. The pews that I sat on during many funerals and weddings of loved ones. Gone! The pews I sat on when I begged God to do the impossible yet again. I felt like a part of me was ripped away. Then God… reminded me that they were not my pews and that I was not in charge, and He might have plans to utilize that space in a way I could not foresee. God was right as usual.
There will be many things we, as a church, will need to change moving forward. That will help free us up to reach more people for Jesus. I promise, as your Pastor, I will always seek Godly counsel in making these changes. We will not be making changes for the sake of making changes. There will be a purpose behind the changes we implement from here on out.
Ready for change? It is a small one. This “Hillside” newsletter will be our last one. What? Where will we get our church info? Well, a few different places. One is online at our website www.thehillriverside.com. You can also follow us on all our social media platforms, (on Facebook at fb.com/thehillriverside and on Instagram at thehill_riverside). We are adding more to our weekly Sunday morning bulletins, announcements, and regular emails. So you will get up-to-date church info more than ever.
I want to thank you and our church for trusting our church staff and leadership as we continue to move our church forward.
Love serving Him with you all.
Pastor Jason
Welcome Pastor Jason and family!
LOVE our new pastor and his family!
Bless you Pastor Jason. I've been praying for you, your family and the church.