Moses And The Water -- Exodus 17:1-7

In today's lesson we learn about ...
Moses And The Water  ---  Exodus 17:1-7

Story Focus: “God’s Power Can Give Me What I Need.”

Week three, we will talk about how God’s power can give us what we need—even when what we need is nowhere to be found. That is what happened with Moses and the Israelites. They needed water in the worst way, but there was no water anywhere. God used His power to make water come from a rock.
Water. From. A. Rock. ... God is so powerful!

Our Memory Verse This Month Is: .. "Great Is Our Lord And Mighty In Power.” Psalm 147:5 (NIV)
Our Bottom Line This Month Is: .. “God Is Powerful.”

This month’s theme is Construction Zone, and the incredible machines you see at a construction site are pretty powerful. But, we have Someone even more impressive, more powerful to talk about this month. GOD! We can’t wait to teach our preschoolers that God is powerful!

Our preschoolers will hear over and over that God is powerful as they learn true stories from the Bible where God displayed His mighty power. We want them to remember that God is more powerful than anything or any person they will ever face in this world. They can always look to God for help because God’s. Power. Is. AWESOME!

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