
Jun 9, 2021    HYM

We can all relate to the feeling of really wanting something. Sometimes the things we want are good for us, and sometimes they aren’t the best for us.

Temptation is the desire to do something that we know is wrong or unwise. It’s wanting to do something that may not be the best for us.

When we think about temptation, we often think about our behavior and actions. Like doing things wrong, saying bad words, stealing, cheating, or doing things in secret or without adults around. But temptation is the desire or feeling to do something wrong or unwise.

Sometimes we really want things that can work for our good, like studying to get a good grade or doing chores to get more hangout time with our friends. But we’re all tempted to do things we know we shouldn’t do. These things can lead us down a path that’s not the best for us.

If we’re going to face temptation, we should learn how to face it well.