The Wall Is Rebuilt

Sep 26, 2021    Karin Mazzeo

In today's lesson we learn how ...
The Wall Is Rebuilt --- Nehemiah 3 – 4, 6:15-16, 8:1-17

In our final week, we head to Nehemiah 3–4, 6:15-16, and 8:1-17 and read that God helped Nehemiah and the people finish the wall in only 52 days! They celebrated what God had done for them, not only during those 52 days but throughout their history as His people. They heard God’s word and remembered how God had been faithful to them. They had a lot to be thankful for!

Our Bottom Line This Week Is: ... Hang Out With Wise People.

When we realize that God is doing amazing things in our lives, we can’t help but thank Him.
We pray that throughout this month, looking at Nehemiah’s story, kids will see how God helps them every day. We hope they learn to celebrate God’s continued work in their lives.
Our Memory Verse This Month Is: ... "Work at everything you do with all you heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord." Colossians 3:23A , NIRV

Remember that Initiative is: Seeing What Needs To Be Done And Doing It.
Initiative is a reflection of the character of God.

God took the initiative by sending Jesus to show us how much He loves us and fix the relationship between us. When we see a need and choose to do something about it, we reflect God’s image in us. Through our initiative, others can see the reality of God’s love for them.

As kids discover more about how we can reflect God’s character through taking initiative, they’ll spend the month studying the life of Nehemiah. Nehemiah’s life is a perfect example of someone who heard about a need, decided to check it out, trusted God, and dropped everything to finish the project.
We can’t wait to see how God helps your kids discover how they can show initiative in their lives.