Rahab And The Spies
In today's lesson we learn about ...
Rahab and the Spies --- Joshua 2:1-22 ; 6:22-25
Story Focus: “God Is With Me So I Can Be Courageous.
Week three is the super exciting account of a woman named Rahab and how courageous she was to hide Joshua’s spies. Had she been caught, it would have been the end of her, but she had heard about the amazing things God had done and she wanted to be on His side!
Our Memory Verse This Month Is: ... "We Have The Lord Our God To Help Us” 2 Chronicles 32: 8 (NLT)
Our Bottom Line This Month Is: ... “God Is Always With Me.”
Many of us remember a special toy or plush friend from our Toy Box that gave us comfort and companionship when we needed it. It’s part of growing up. We were made to want someone with us. And that Someone is Who we will be talking about this month. He is the only One who can truly always be with us.
We will say countless times this month, “God is always with me.” We want our preschoolers to believe it with all of their hearts. With this truth as a foundation, they can be brave and wise. They can have courage and strength.
Then, when the times comes that their favorite toy, blanket, or pillow cannot be with them, they will know that there is Someone who loves them and will always be with them. No mat-ter where they go or what they do God is always with them … and you.