Turning Points

Jan 26, 2022    HYM

In your minds, I want you to go back to the night before your first day of middle or high school. In the moment, it was a scary idea to start school. It was a turning point.

The past few weeks, we’ve been talking about things that grow our faith—things that make our faith go from something counterfeit to something real and personal to us.

Maybe more than anything else, turning points in life do just that.

Chances are, you’ve had a few turning points in life already. These are the moments that turn our lives around and set us in a direction we weren’t going in before.

Sometimes they can be positive things or even neutral things. Other times, they can be more negative turning points.

Tough times or turning points have the power to build our faith or completely destroy it. Turning points are defining moments—times when it seems like God is far away, but ends up being much closer than we thought.